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The authorities have taken various initiatives to avoid any calamity in the jail due to excessive heat

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  • Update Time : 07:18:02 am, Sunday, 5 May 2024
  • 114 Time View

There has been a severe fire in the whole country for quite some time. It also causes death due to heat stroke. The suffering of prisoners has increased due to its effect in other prisons of the country including Dhaka Central Jail. The country’s 68 prisons currently hold almost twice their capacity. The authorities have taken various initiatives to prevent any calamity in prisons due to excessive heat.


From the supply of saline water to the food menu, changes were also made to keep the prisoners healthy. Vegetables that keep the body cool in intense heat are emphasized in the food menu. The prisoners have been provided with two baths instead of one.

According to the Directorate of Prisons, the prisons have a capacity of 42 thousand 866 people. Among them, 40 thousand 937 are male. And women 1929. But at the moment there are 71 thousand 225 people imprisoned in prisons. Among them 68 thousand 315 men and 29 thousand 10 women. On the one hand, the pressure of the prisoners, on the other hand, the unbearable heat of the camp – these two reasons have made it difficult to ensure the quality of service in prisons. Jail authorities are especially thinking about women prisoners. Senior Jail Superintendent of Dhaka Central Jail Subhash Kumar Ghosh said that the prisoners are under pressure but it is being handled. Several initiatives have been taken in front of the excessive heat. Extra measures have been taken to protect prisoners from arson. Round-the-clock presence of a doctor has also been ensured in the prison campus. Any inmate who feels sick is immediately treated at the prison hospital.

It has been found that the quality of service in the prison has also increased compared to before. But the situation has not reached the desired level. Prison officials cited the pressure of additional prisoners as the reason for this. They said that more new prisoners are entering the jail than the rate at which prisoners are getting bail. Kashimpur High Security and Dhaka and Chittagong Central Jails are overcrowded. Kashimpur Jail houses accused of militant and BDR rebellion cases. There is special surveillance on them. To handle the pressure of prisoners, prisoners are constantly being sent from Dhaka Central Jail to Kashimpur Jail.

According to prison sources, there are 341 children along with women prisoners in the jail. Among them 157 boys and 184 girls. Their mothers have been convicted or arrested in the case and are incarcerated. Being children, they are staying in prison with their mother. Jail authorities are also paying special attention to these children. Besides, there are 125 war criminals in different prisons of the country. Among them, 86 were killed, 11 were prisoners (sentenced) and 28 were sentenced to death. Moreover, there are 574 members of various militant organizations. Among them there are 433 militants of JMB and 141 militants of other organizations. The Directorate of Prisons has issued special instructions to the concerned jails to take special care of ‘political’ prisoners, militants, violent convicts and war criminals prisoners during the summer.

In connection with the robbery of two militants from the court in Dhaka, information about the use of mobile phones by militants in Kashimpur jail was leaked. Then the DIG Prison of Dhaka and Senior Jail Superintendent of Kashimpur Jail were transferred. The prison authorities were shaken when the matter was discussed. Surveillance is increased on militants. A jammer has been placed there.

There are 8,565 male prison guards on duty in prisons across the country. And only 617 female prison guards. Several prison officials have said that women prison guards are totally inadequate compared to the requirement. They said that new prison guards have been appointed to handle the situation. According to the jail code, there is a rule that one jailer should be on duty for eight inmates, but in reality, one jailer has to handle more inmates. Apart from this, there is no rest facility for them inside the jail. Therefore, along with the establishment of sentry posts in prisons, initiatives are also being taken to provide rest for prison guards.

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The authorities have taken various initiatives to avoid any calamity in the jail due to excessive heat

Update Time : 07:18:02 am, Sunday, 5 May 2024

There has been a severe fire in the whole country for quite some time. It also causes death due to heat stroke. The suffering of prisoners has increased due to its effect in other prisons of the country including Dhaka Central Jail. The country’s 68 prisons currently hold almost twice their capacity. The authorities have taken various initiatives to prevent any calamity in prisons due to excessive heat.


From the supply of saline water to the food menu, changes were also made to keep the prisoners healthy. Vegetables that keep the body cool in intense heat are emphasized in the food menu. The prisoners have been provided with two baths instead of one.

According to the Directorate of Prisons, the prisons have a capacity of 42 thousand 866 people. Among them, 40 thousand 937 are male. And women 1929. But at the moment there are 71 thousand 225 people imprisoned in prisons. Among them 68 thousand 315 men and 29 thousand 10 women. On the one hand, the pressure of the prisoners, on the other hand, the unbearable heat of the camp – these two reasons have made it difficult to ensure the quality of service in prisons. Jail authorities are especially thinking about women prisoners. Senior Jail Superintendent of Dhaka Central Jail Subhash Kumar Ghosh said that the prisoners are under pressure but it is being handled. Several initiatives have been taken in front of the excessive heat. Extra measures have been taken to protect prisoners from arson. Round-the-clock presence of a doctor has also been ensured in the prison campus. Any inmate who feels sick is immediately treated at the prison hospital.

It has been found that the quality of service in the prison has also increased compared to before. But the situation has not reached the desired level. Prison officials cited the pressure of additional prisoners as the reason for this. They said that more new prisoners are entering the jail than the rate at which prisoners are getting bail. Kashimpur High Security and Dhaka and Chittagong Central Jails are overcrowded. Kashimpur Jail houses accused of militant and BDR rebellion cases. There is special surveillance on them. To handle the pressure of prisoners, prisoners are constantly being sent from Dhaka Central Jail to Kashimpur Jail.

According to prison sources, there are 341 children along with women prisoners in the jail. Among them 157 boys and 184 girls. Their mothers have been convicted or arrested in the case and are incarcerated. Being children, they are staying in prison with their mother. Jail authorities are also paying special attention to these children. Besides, there are 125 war criminals in different prisons of the country. Among them, 86 were killed, 11 were prisoners (sentenced) and 28 were sentenced to death. Moreover, there are 574 members of various militant organizations. Among them there are 433 militants of JMB and 141 militants of other organizations. The Directorate of Prisons has issued special instructions to the concerned jails to take special care of ‘political’ prisoners, militants, violent convicts and war criminals prisoners during the summer.

In connection with the robbery of two militants from the court in Dhaka, information about the use of mobile phones by militants in Kashimpur jail was leaked. Then the DIG Prison of Dhaka and Senior Jail Superintendent of Kashimpur Jail were transferred. The prison authorities were shaken when the matter was discussed. Surveillance is increased on militants. A jammer has been placed there.

There are 8,565 male prison guards on duty in prisons across the country. And only 617 female prison guards. Several prison officials have said that women prison guards are totally inadequate compared to the requirement. They said that new prison guards have been appointed to handle the situation. According to the jail code, there is a rule that one jailer should be on duty for eight inmates, but in reality, one jailer has to handle more inmates. Apart from this, there is no rest facility for them inside the jail. Therefore, along with the establishment of sentry posts in prisons, initiatives are also being taken to provide rest for prison guards.