Dhaka 11:32 am, Friday, 20 September 2024

Health mafia Syndicates are in fear of anti-corruption task force

  • Mustakim Nibir
  • Update Time : 07:14:43 pm, Friday, 16 August 2024
  • 295 Time View

Mustakim Nibir:

Bangladesh is moving forward in keeping with the world through uphill struggle. But the black shadow of corruption, irregularities and plundering is not leaving behind the health sector of the country. It is as if the entire health department is hostage to the health mafia. Corruption has gripped the health department like a cancer. In the past 16 years, the health sector has not seen much improvement. The country’s largest health care institution “Dhaka Medical College Hospital” patients are kept lying on the road. About 3000 clinics and diagnostic centers are running illegally. In the past, everyone involved in the health sector has looted and inflated themselves. Former Health Minister Dr. Samant Lal Sen expressed his concern soon after taking charge and said “Reducing corruption in the health sector is a big challenge”.

In the past, the ruling class has continuously exploited and robbed every section of the country in the name of development. And the health department seems to be stuck in the cancer called corruption. The former head of government Sheikh Hasina has said that she has zero tolerance towards corrupt people in the health sector. We have to wait for some more time to see if the current interim government can bring any changes in the health department.
Recently, in the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh, a report was prepared by the Health Audit Directorate on the financial activities of the Health Services Department and the Health Education and Family Welfare Department in the financial year 2019-2020. This audit report has been submitted to His Excellency the President in accordance with Article 132 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh so that those involved in the identified financial irregularities in the use of public resources and money can be held accountable, which is to be presented to the National Assembly.
The report contains a total of thirteen audit paragraphs including 11 under Health Care Department and 2 under Health Education and Family Welfare Department. The total amount of money involved in the 11 sections of the Health Department is Tk. 40,56,17,634 – which is 0.64% of the total allocation of the said department and 0.03% of the total allocation of the Health Education and Family Welfare Department.

The notable irregularities included in this report are, purchase of medical equipment and chemical reagents at a price much higher than the actual market price, non-delivery of goods on time, execution of purchases in violation of PPR 2008, loss due to purchase of medicines in violation of government orders, payment without receipt of goods. Repayment, including payment of excess amount due.
A total of Tk 40 crore 97 lakh 59 thousand 652 is involved in all these irregularities and corruption. Out of which the financial loss of the government is 2 crore 25 lakh 45 thousand 255 taka due to purchase of MSR at a higher price than the market price. Due to the purchase of MSRs at a price higher than the maximum retail price, the financial loss of the government is 2 crore 58 lakh 79 thousand 743 taka. Due to extra payment to the law firm for the management of departmental cases, the financial loss of the government is Tk. 52,85,000. Due to payment of money despite not supplying all the items mentioned in the purchase order, the financial loss of the government is 1 crore 29 lakh 9 thousand 200 taka. Due to non-deduction of income tax at source at the prescribed rate in the bill of supply of goods and services, the revenue loss of the government is 3 crore 85 lakh 6952 taka. Due to non-deduction of value added tax at the prescribed rate against the supply of goods and services, the revenue loss of the government is 8 crore 67 lakh 51 thousand 255 taka. Due to non-payment of late penalty from the supplier who failed to deliver the goods within the stipulated time, the financial loss of the government is 3 crore 17 lakh 93 thousand 344 taka. PPR 2008 Rs.9 crore 99 lakh 99 thousand 605 was irregularly spent on purchase of MSR materials from Sri Lanka. In violation of PPA 2006 and PPR 2008, an amount of Tk 6 crore 99 lakh 99 thousand 550 was irregularly spent on purchase of MSRs without preparation of tender documents. Due to not insuring according to the terms of the contract, on the one hand, the risk of work increases, on the other hand, the revenue loss of the government due to VAT on insurance premium is 8 lakh 87 thousand 831 taka. Due to supply of fuel and repair of vehicles used outside the scope of HPNSP program, the financial loss of the government is 1 crore 10 lakh 59 thousand 899 taka.

Government’s financial loss is 28 thousand 92 lakh 250 taka due to purchase of MSR at higher price than the market price included in health education and family welfare department and the government’s revenue loss is 12 lakh 49 thousand 768 taka due to deduction of VAT from suppliers’ bills at a rate lower than the prescribed rate.

The audit report also highlighted the need for the authorities to focus on implementing the recommendations of previous audits and ensuring that similar irregularities are not repeated, including strengthening the internal control system and complying with the prevailing regulations on collection and expenditure of government funds. But the people involved in its implementation seem to have become disinterested, or are they silent in anticipation of its share?

The health mafia is controlling the syndicates directly and indirectly involved in robbing the health sector of the current interim government and the army, the health mafia is not allowed to sleep because of the fear of the current interim government and the army. Related sources say that these robbers can be brought under the law at any time. If the awakened students sit down and ask for reform in the health sector, then it will happen!
Intellectual peoples expect that every former minister of the Awami League government will be brought under justice by forming a task force to thoroughly investigate the corruption in the health care sector amid the popular uprising. The current interim government is conducting a thorough investigation of the officers and officials involved in corruption and irregularities, which will be published in a series of reports.

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Health mafia Syndicates are in fear of anti-corruption task force

Update Time : 07:14:43 pm, Friday, 16 August 2024

Mustakim Nibir:

Bangladesh is moving forward in keeping with the world through uphill struggle. But the black shadow of corruption, irregularities and plundering is not leaving behind the health sector of the country. It is as if the entire health department is hostage to the health mafia. Corruption has gripped the health department like a cancer. In the past 16 years, the health sector has not seen much improvement. The country’s largest health care institution “Dhaka Medical College Hospital” patients are kept lying on the road. About 3000 clinics and diagnostic centers are running illegally. In the past, everyone involved in the health sector has looted and inflated themselves. Former Health Minister Dr. Samant Lal Sen expressed his concern soon after taking charge and said “Reducing corruption in the health sector is a big challenge”.

In the past, the ruling class has continuously exploited and robbed every section of the country in the name of development. And the health department seems to be stuck in the cancer called corruption. The former head of government Sheikh Hasina has said that she has zero tolerance towards corrupt people in the health sector. We have to wait for some more time to see if the current interim government can bring any changes in the health department.
Recently, in the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of Bangladesh, a report was prepared by the Health Audit Directorate on the financial activities of the Health Services Department and the Health Education and Family Welfare Department in the financial year 2019-2020. This audit report has been submitted to His Excellency the President in accordance with Article 132 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh so that those involved in the identified financial irregularities in the use of public resources and money can be held accountable, which is to be presented to the National Assembly.
The report contains a total of thirteen audit paragraphs including 11 under Health Care Department and 2 under Health Education and Family Welfare Department. The total amount of money involved in the 11 sections of the Health Department is Tk. 40,56,17,634 – which is 0.64% of the total allocation of the said department and 0.03% of the total allocation of the Health Education and Family Welfare Department.

The notable irregularities included in this report are, purchase of medical equipment and chemical reagents at a price much higher than the actual market price, non-delivery of goods on time, execution of purchases in violation of PPR 2008, loss due to purchase of medicines in violation of government orders, payment without receipt of goods. Repayment, including payment of excess amount due.
A total of Tk 40 crore 97 lakh 59 thousand 652 is involved in all these irregularities and corruption. Out of which the financial loss of the government is 2 crore 25 lakh 45 thousand 255 taka due to purchase of MSR at a higher price than the market price. Due to the purchase of MSRs at a price higher than the maximum retail price, the financial loss of the government is 2 crore 58 lakh 79 thousand 743 taka. Due to extra payment to the law firm for the management of departmental cases, the financial loss of the government is Tk. 52,85,000. Due to payment of money despite not supplying all the items mentioned in the purchase order, the financial loss of the government is 1 crore 29 lakh 9 thousand 200 taka. Due to non-deduction of income tax at source at the prescribed rate in the bill of supply of goods and services, the revenue loss of the government is 3 crore 85 lakh 6952 taka. Due to non-deduction of value added tax at the prescribed rate against the supply of goods and services, the revenue loss of the government is 8 crore 67 lakh 51 thousand 255 taka. Due to non-payment of late penalty from the supplier who failed to deliver the goods within the stipulated time, the financial loss of the government is 3 crore 17 lakh 93 thousand 344 taka. PPR 2008 Rs.9 crore 99 lakh 99 thousand 605 was irregularly spent on purchase of MSR materials from Sri Lanka. In violation of PPA 2006 and PPR 2008, an amount of Tk 6 crore 99 lakh 99 thousand 550 was irregularly spent on purchase of MSRs without preparation of tender documents. Due to not insuring according to the terms of the contract, on the one hand, the risk of work increases, on the other hand, the revenue loss of the government due to VAT on insurance premium is 8 lakh 87 thousand 831 taka. Due to supply of fuel and repair of vehicles used outside the scope of HPNSP program, the financial loss of the government is 1 crore 10 lakh 59 thousand 899 taka.

Government’s financial loss is 28 thousand 92 lakh 250 taka due to purchase of MSR at higher price than the market price included in health education and family welfare department and the government’s revenue loss is 12 lakh 49 thousand 768 taka due to deduction of VAT from suppliers’ bills at a rate lower than the prescribed rate.

The audit report also highlighted the need for the authorities to focus on implementing the recommendations of previous audits and ensuring that similar irregularities are not repeated, including strengthening the internal control system and complying with the prevailing regulations on collection and expenditure of government funds. But the people involved in its implementation seem to have become disinterested, or are they silent in anticipation of its share?

The health mafia is controlling the syndicates directly and indirectly involved in robbing the health sector of the current interim government and the army, the health mafia is not allowed to sleep because of the fear of the current interim government and the army. Related sources say that these robbers can be brought under the law at any time. If the awakened students sit down and ask for reform in the health sector, then it will happen!
Intellectual peoples expect that every former minister of the Awami League government will be brought under justice by forming a task force to thoroughly investigate the corruption in the health care sector amid the popular uprising. The current interim government is conducting a thorough investigation of the officers and officials involved in corruption and irregularities, which will be published in a series of reports.