Dhaka 5:23 am, Friday, 20 September 2024

Humanity journey of Anjuman Mofidul Islam


Anjuman Mofidul Islam is a renowned humanitarian and social service organization of Bangladesh which is well known for humanitarian assistance and public welfare work. Since its inception in 1950, the organization has been dedicated to serving poverty, helplessness and humanity. The report will discuss in detail the history, working style, activities and future plans of Anjuman Mofidul Islam. Various aspects are discussed here, which will give readers a deeper understanding of the activities of this organization. History and Establishment of Anjuman Mofidul Islam Anjuman Mofidul Islam (AMIS) was established in 1950, in Dhaka. Behind its establishment was the commitment to stand by the helpless people of the society. Since its inception, the organization has been working to provide assistance to orphans, poor and vulnerable people.

Main aims and objectives of the organization

The main aim of Anjuman Mofidul Islam is to serve humanity. The main objectives of the organization are:

Service to poor and helpless people Helping the poor, orphans and disaster stricken people.

Health care provision To ensure medical care for poor and needy people. Educational Assistance Providing scholarships for poor meritorious students and bearing educational expenses. Burial and Cremation Arrangements for the burial and cremation of unidentified and guardianless bodies.

Areas of work of Anjuman Mofidul Islam

Anjuman Mofidul Islam conducts activities in various sectors, through which the organization is contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of numerous people across the country. The main main activities are mentioned below


Anjuman Mofidul Islam is playing a significant role in the healthcare sector. The organization organizes various medical camps where poor patients get free treatment, medicine and counselling.

Education and scholarships

The organization arranges scholarships for poor and meritorious students. Through this scholarship, students get the financial support they need to continue their studies.

Disaster relief

Anjuman Mofidul Islam quickly initiates relief operations during natural calamities in the country such as floods, cyclones or earthquakes. Under this program, the organization provides food, water, medicine and shelter to the affected people.

Rehabilitation of Orphans and Destitutes


Anjuman Mofidul Islam runs shelters and rehabilitation centers for orphans and destitutes. Here helpless children get safe shelter and proper care.

Burial and Cremation

One of the most humanitarian services of Anjuman Mofidul Islam is body burial and cremation. Many times when no one comes forward to bury unidentified or unaccompanied bodies, the organization arranges for free cremation of these bodies.

Financial source and support of Anjuman Mofidul Islam


Anjuman Mofidul Islam conducts its activities by collecting funds from various sources. The financial sources of the organization are:

Personal and Institutional Donations Many individuals and organizations donate and donate to Anjuman Mofidul Islam.

Zakat and Fitra Collection of Zakat and Fitra is an important source of income for organizations.

International aid receives financial support from international humanitarian organizations and NGOs.

Role and achievements of Anjuman Mofidul Islam


Since its establishment, the organization has stood by the people of the country through numerous humanitarian works. The organization has achieved something remarkable

The Free Medical Service organization has provided free medical treatment to lakhs of people by organizing medical camps at various places. Scholarships Many poor and talented students continue their studies with Anjuman scholarships, who later contribute to the development of their lives and the country. The disaster relief organization provides relief during almost all major disasters. Conducted activities, which helped save many lives.

Challenges and future plans


Anjuman Mofidul Islam faces various challenges while working. Among these are funding shortages, lack of skilled workers, and the need to increase the scope of work. In the future, the organization is planning to expand its scope of work. Setting up more rehabilitation centers There are plans to set up more rehabilitation centers for orphans and destitutes. Development of health care Initiatives will be taken to set up hospitals and clinics to increase the scope of health care. Disaster management training Disaster management and first aid training for volunteers. Arrangements will be made. Anjuman Mofidul Islam is not just an organization, it is a symbol of humanity. The work that the organization has been doing since its inception is truly commendable. The torch of service that Anjuman Mofidul Islam has lit by standing beside the weakest people of the society, remains a beacon light and will continue to be in the future. With the support of all sections of the society, the organization will move faster towards its goals—that is everyone’s expectation.

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Humanity journey of Anjuman Mofidul Islam

Update Time : 10:09:45 pm, Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Anjuman Mofidul Islam is a renowned humanitarian and social service organization of Bangladesh which is well known for humanitarian assistance and public welfare work. Since its inception in 1950, the organization has been dedicated to serving poverty, helplessness and humanity. The report will discuss in detail the history, working style, activities and future plans of Anjuman Mofidul Islam. Various aspects are discussed here, which will give readers a deeper understanding of the activities of this organization. History and Establishment of Anjuman Mofidul Islam Anjuman Mofidul Islam (AMIS) was established in 1950, in Dhaka. Behind its establishment was the commitment to stand by the helpless people of the society. Since its inception, the organization has been working to provide assistance to orphans, poor and vulnerable people.

Main aims and objectives of the organization

The main aim of Anjuman Mofidul Islam is to serve humanity. The main objectives of the organization are:

Service to poor and helpless people Helping the poor, orphans and disaster stricken people.

Health care provision To ensure medical care for poor and needy people. Educational Assistance Providing scholarships for poor meritorious students and bearing educational expenses. Burial and Cremation Arrangements for the burial and cremation of unidentified and guardianless bodies.

Areas of work of Anjuman Mofidul Islam

Anjuman Mofidul Islam conducts activities in various sectors, through which the organization is contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of numerous people across the country. The main main activities are mentioned below


Anjuman Mofidul Islam is playing a significant role in the healthcare sector. The organization organizes various medical camps where poor patients get free treatment, medicine and counselling.

Education and scholarships

The organization arranges scholarships for poor and meritorious students. Through this scholarship, students get the financial support they need to continue their studies.

Disaster relief

Anjuman Mofidul Islam quickly initiates relief operations during natural calamities in the country such as floods, cyclones or earthquakes. Under this program, the organization provides food, water, medicine and shelter to the affected people.

Rehabilitation of Orphans and Destitutes


Anjuman Mofidul Islam runs shelters and rehabilitation centers for orphans and destitutes. Here helpless children get safe shelter and proper care.

Burial and Cremation

One of the most humanitarian services of Anjuman Mofidul Islam is body burial and cremation. Many times when no one comes forward to bury unidentified or unaccompanied bodies, the organization arranges for free cremation of these bodies.

Financial source and support of Anjuman Mofidul Islam


Anjuman Mofidul Islam conducts its activities by collecting funds from various sources. The financial sources of the organization are:

Personal and Institutional Donations Many individuals and organizations donate and donate to Anjuman Mofidul Islam.

Zakat and Fitra Collection of Zakat and Fitra is an important source of income for organizations.

International aid receives financial support from international humanitarian organizations and NGOs.

Role and achievements of Anjuman Mofidul Islam


Since its establishment, the organization has stood by the people of the country through numerous humanitarian works. The organization has achieved something remarkable

The Free Medical Service organization has provided free medical treatment to lakhs of people by organizing medical camps at various places. Scholarships Many poor and talented students continue their studies with Anjuman scholarships, who later contribute to the development of their lives and the country. The disaster relief organization provides relief during almost all major disasters. Conducted activities, which helped save many lives.

Challenges and future plans


Anjuman Mofidul Islam faces various challenges while working. Among these are funding shortages, lack of skilled workers, and the need to increase the scope of work. In the future, the organization is planning to expand its scope of work. Setting up more rehabilitation centers There are plans to set up more rehabilitation centers for orphans and destitutes. Development of health care Initiatives will be taken to set up hospitals and clinics to increase the scope of health care. Disaster management training Disaster management and first aid training for volunteers. Arrangements will be made. Anjuman Mofidul Islam is not just an organization, it is a symbol of humanity. The work that the organization has been doing since its inception is truly commendable. The torch of service that Anjuman Mofidul Islam has lit by standing beside the weakest people of the society, remains a beacon light and will continue to be in the future. With the support of all sections of the society, the organization will move faster towards its goals—that is everyone’s expectation.