Dhaka 9:37 am, Friday, 20 September 2024

Google has created a special doodle on the occasion of Bangladesh National Day

Google, the world’s most used internet search engine, has created a special doodle on the occasion of Bangladesh’s great independence

What the Prime Minister wrote in the visitation book after paying his respects at the National Memorial

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina paid tribute to the martyrs of the Liberation War at the memorial on the Great Independence

The king and queen of Bhutan have arrived in Dhaka on a four-day visit

King Jigme Khesar Namgel Wangchuck of Bhutan has arrived in Dhaka on a four-day visit at the invitation of the

On the occasion of Eid, advance sale of train tickets has started

Bangladesh Railway has started selling advance tickets on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr from today. The sale of tickets has started

Higher profits of the traders is the key reason behind price hike in daily commodities : Home Minster

Prices of daily commodities have increased due to Ramadan. Some products have gone beyond the purchasing power of common people.

Chief Justice for one week is M Inayetur Rahim

Since Chief Justice Obaidul Hasan is staying in the United States from March 22 to 31, M Inayetur Rahim, the

Somali pirates have planted anti-aircraft weapons next to the MV Abdullah ship

The European Union’s (EU) own navy is monitoring the movements of the Bangladeshi ship MV Abdullah, held hostage by Somali

Aa symbolic ‘black out’ will be observed across the country from 11pm to 11:01 pm on Monday

Next Monday is March 25. At the end of this day in 1971, a terrible night came in the life

The country’s reserves are now below 20 billion dollars

The country’s foreign exchange reserves are below 20 billion (one billion in 1 billion) dollars. Reserves rose to $20 billion

The UAE has expressed interest in supporting and supporting the development of the tourism industry

Abdullah Ali Al Hamoudi, the ambassador of the United Arab Emirates appointed to Bangladesh, expressed this interest during a meeting