Dhaka 1:59 am, Friday, 20 September 2024

Bangladesh Wasa: An Introduction to Water Management Policy and Technology

Bangladesh WASA (Water Supply and Sewerage Authority) is one of the leading water supply and sewerage agencies in the country. It mainly aims to ensure safe water supply and sewage management for urban areas. Dhaka WASA was established in 1963 and later expanded its operations to other major cities including Chittagong WASA, Khulna WASA and Rajshahi WASA. History and Objectives of Establishment:

Initially, WASA was established for Dhaka city in 1963 through the East Pakistan Water Supply and Sewerage Authority Ordinance. Its main objective was to improve the water supply and sewage system for the growing population of Dhaka city. Later after independence, the Bangladesh government expanded Dhaka WASA operations to other major cities.

Bangladesh WASA is playing an important role in the development of public health and urban management of the country. Despite various challenges, WASA’s continuous efforts are ensuring safe water and improved sanitation services for the citizens of the country.

The Bangladesh Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, abbreviated WASA, is a government agency that provides water supply and sanitation services to the country’s major cities. WASA mainly operates in major metropolises including Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna and Rajshahi. As the country’s population grows, so does the pressure on water supply and sewage systems in cities. In this situation, WASA authorities have to face various challenges and take various steps to ensure better services.

Key Activities:

Bangladesh WASA’s key activities include:

Water Supply: Ensuring safe and clean water supply. Purification of water through water purification plants and distribution through pipeline network to different areas of the city.

Sewage system: Development of modern drainage system for sewage disposal, which removes waste water and contributes to environmental protection.

Waste Management: Development of solid and liquid waste management and finding ways to reuse it.

Customer Service: Provision of water connection to customers, billing and other service related activities.

Infrastructure and Technology:

WASA operates various purification plants using modern technology, where all kinds of processes required to make water safe are carried out. In addition, WASA is expanding and modernizing its infrastructure to keep pace with the city’s population.

Challenges and Successes:

Bangladesh WASA is constantly facing various challenges, such as pollution of water sources, deterioration of infrastructure, leakage in pipelines, etc. However, WASA has achieved significant success in recent years through the use of technology, infrastructure development, and service quality improvement.

Future Goals:

WASA’s future goal is to ensure sustainable development and improve the quality of water services for consumers. WASA seeks to ensure environmentally friendly and efficient management through long-term planning.

History and structure of WASA

The journey of Bangladesh Wasa began in 1963, during the then East Pakistan period. WASA started operations in Dhaka and Chittagong first and later expanded its operations to other metropolitan areas of the country. Dhaka WASA was established in 1996 as an autonomous body with the main objective of ensuring safe and affordable water supply and modern sanitation for all.

Main Activities

Water Supply: The main responsibility of WASA is to provide safe and clean water for metropolitan areas. Water is pumped and supplied through various deep tube wells and pump stations. However, the continuous decline in groundwater level and deterioration in water quality has become a major challenge.

Sewerage System: Dhaka WASA currently operates sewerage system in 30% of the city. However, there is a need to increase the coverage and quality of this system. Many old pipelines and inadequate sewerage facilities are creating watershed problems in the city.

Waste Management: Dhaka WASA is taking various initiatives for water purification and recycling. Plans have been taken to construct a new waste treatment plant to further improve the sewerage system of Dhaka city.


Water scarcity and ground water level: Ground water level in major cities including Dhaka is falling rapidly. Besides, sources of fresh water are decreasing due to water pollution of various reservoirs and rivers.

Lack of adequate funds: Many developmental projects in WASA cannot be implemented due to lack of adequate funds. Aid from International Cooperation and Development Organizations is somewhat helpful in this regard, but it falls short of what is needed.

Old and Inadequate Infrastructure: Vasa’s infrastructure is mostly old and dilapidated. Renovation and modernization of this infrastructure requires huge investment.

Corruption and Mismanagement: There are frequent allegations of corruption and mismanagement in WASA operations. This leads to disruption of services and loss of public confidence.

Development initiatives

WASA authorities have taken various developmental initiatives to address various issues. Some of the notable initiatives are:

Improved water supply: To reduce dependence on groundwater, WASA is emphasizing supply by purifying river water. For this purpose several water treatment plants have been constructed and some more are under construction.

Modernization of Sewerage System: WASA has undertaken a comprehensive plan to improve sewerage system. In particular, new waste treatment plants are being installed and old sewage lines are being renovated.

Digital Services: WASA has started using digital technology to improve the quality of customer service. Customers can pay bills, file complaints and receive other services online.

Several suggestions are presented to solve the current problems of Bangladesh WASA which can be helpful in improving the quality of service:

Increase public awareness

Campaign to prevent water wastage: A massive campaign should be conducted to create awareness to prevent water wastage. Awareness programs can be organized at school, college and community level.

Protecting water quality Public should be motivated to conserve water and prevent pollution. Everyone should be responsible for protecting water quality.

Development of alternative water sources

Desalination plants: Desalination plants can be set up in coastal cities for desalination of sea water, which will serve as an alternative water source in the future.

Recycling of waste water: The use of this water in irrigation and industrial plants can be practiced using waste water treatment and recycling technology.

Emergency preparedness

Emergency Water Supply Management: There should be alternative plans for emergency water supply during earthquakes, floods or other disasters.

Emergency Relief Fund: A fund may be constituted for the continuation of services which can be used immediately in case of emergency.

If these recommendations are implemented, it will be possible to achieve significant progress in improving the quality of water services and addressing the water crisis. A clear government policy, adequate budget allocation, and public cooperation are essential for this.

Challenges for WASA are increasing in tandem with rapid urbanization and population pressures in Bangladesh. However, through sound planning, adequate investment and effective management, WASA can ensure improved water and sanitation services for the people. For this, everyone’s collective effort and responsibility is essential.

Bangladesh WASA is playing an important role in the development of public health and urban management of the country. Despite various challenges, WASA’s continuous efforts are ensuring safe water and improved sanitation services for the citizens of the country.

The Bangladesh Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, abbreviated WASA, is a government agency that provides water supply and sanitation services to the country’s major cities. WASA mainly operates in major metropolises including Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna and Rajshahi. As the country’s population grows, so does the pressure on water supply and sewage systems in cities. In this situation, WASA authorities have to face various challenges and take various steps to ensure better services.

Key Activities:

Bangladesh WASA’s key activities include:

Water Supply: Ensuring safe and clean water supply. Purification of water through water purification plants and distribution through pipeline network to different areas of the city.

Sewage System: Development of modern drainage system for sewage disposal, which removes waste water and contributes to environmental protection.

Waste Management: Development of solid and liquid waste management and finding ways to reuse it.

Customer Service: Provision of water connection, billing and other service related activities to customers.

Infrastructure and Technology:

WASA operates various purification plants using modern technology, where all kinds of processes required to make water safe are carried out. In addition, WASA is expanding and modernizing its infrastructure to keep pace with the city’s population.

Dhaka WASA was established in 1963 as a separate organization for water supply and sewerage of Dhaka city as a service and commercial organization. From July 1, 1990, the responsibility of water supply and sewage disposal in Narayanganj city area was entrusted to Dhaka Wasa. It was formed as an autonomous for-profit organization in 1996 with the passage of WASA Act. On 1 March 2019, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Estimates recommended that the Bangladesh government split Dhaka WASA into two separate bodies, along with North and South Dhaka.

Dhaka Wasa’s entire service area is divided into 11 geographical regions to facilitate Dhaka Wasa’s operation, maintenance and customer service. Out of this, 10 regions are located in Dhaka Metropolis and 1 region is located in Narayanganj. All functions related to technical operation and maintenance and collection of revenue billing are handled through each zonal office. According to the data of February 2022, the daily demand of water in Dhaka is approximately 250 million liters. Dhaka WASA produces 260 crore liters of water daily. According to WASA data, excluding system losses of 20 percent, 52 crore liters of water does not reach consumers every day. Customers get 208 crore litres. As a result, there is a shortage of water. According to the data of March 2024, the daily water demand in Dhaka city is 260 to 265 million liters and the daily production capacity is 270 to 275 million liters.

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Bangladesh Wasa: An Introduction to Water Management Policy and Technology

Update Time : 05:24:02 pm, Thursday, 5 September 2024

Bangladesh WASA (Water Supply and Sewerage Authority) is one of the leading water supply and sewerage agencies in the country. It mainly aims to ensure safe water supply and sewage management for urban areas. Dhaka WASA was established in 1963 and later expanded its operations to other major cities including Chittagong WASA, Khulna WASA and Rajshahi WASA. History and Objectives of Establishment:

Initially, WASA was established for Dhaka city in 1963 through the East Pakistan Water Supply and Sewerage Authority Ordinance. Its main objective was to improve the water supply and sewage system for the growing population of Dhaka city. Later after independence, the Bangladesh government expanded Dhaka WASA operations to other major cities.

Bangladesh WASA is playing an important role in the development of public health and urban management of the country. Despite various challenges, WASA’s continuous efforts are ensuring safe water and improved sanitation services for the citizens of the country.

The Bangladesh Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, abbreviated WASA, is a government agency that provides water supply and sanitation services to the country’s major cities. WASA mainly operates in major metropolises including Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna and Rajshahi. As the country’s population grows, so does the pressure on water supply and sewage systems in cities. In this situation, WASA authorities have to face various challenges and take various steps to ensure better services.

Key Activities:

Bangladesh WASA’s key activities include:

Water Supply: Ensuring safe and clean water supply. Purification of water through water purification plants and distribution through pipeline network to different areas of the city.

Sewage system: Development of modern drainage system for sewage disposal, which removes waste water and contributes to environmental protection.

Waste Management: Development of solid and liquid waste management and finding ways to reuse it.

Customer Service: Provision of water connection to customers, billing and other service related activities.

Infrastructure and Technology:

WASA operates various purification plants using modern technology, where all kinds of processes required to make water safe are carried out. In addition, WASA is expanding and modernizing its infrastructure to keep pace with the city’s population.

Challenges and Successes:

Bangladesh WASA is constantly facing various challenges, such as pollution of water sources, deterioration of infrastructure, leakage in pipelines, etc. However, WASA has achieved significant success in recent years through the use of technology, infrastructure development, and service quality improvement.

Future Goals:

WASA’s future goal is to ensure sustainable development and improve the quality of water services for consumers. WASA seeks to ensure environmentally friendly and efficient management through long-term planning.

History and structure of WASA

The journey of Bangladesh Wasa began in 1963, during the then East Pakistan period. WASA started operations in Dhaka and Chittagong first and later expanded its operations to other metropolitan areas of the country. Dhaka WASA was established in 1996 as an autonomous body with the main objective of ensuring safe and affordable water supply and modern sanitation for all.

Main Activities

Water Supply: The main responsibility of WASA is to provide safe and clean water for metropolitan areas. Water is pumped and supplied through various deep tube wells and pump stations. However, the continuous decline in groundwater level and deterioration in water quality has become a major challenge.

Sewerage System: Dhaka WASA currently operates sewerage system in 30% of the city. However, there is a need to increase the coverage and quality of this system. Many old pipelines and inadequate sewerage facilities are creating watershed problems in the city.

Waste Management: Dhaka WASA is taking various initiatives for water purification and recycling. Plans have been taken to construct a new waste treatment plant to further improve the sewerage system of Dhaka city.


Water scarcity and ground water level: Ground water level in major cities including Dhaka is falling rapidly. Besides, sources of fresh water are decreasing due to water pollution of various reservoirs and rivers.

Lack of adequate funds: Many developmental projects in WASA cannot be implemented due to lack of adequate funds. Aid from International Cooperation and Development Organizations is somewhat helpful in this regard, but it falls short of what is needed.

Old and Inadequate Infrastructure: Vasa’s infrastructure is mostly old and dilapidated. Renovation and modernization of this infrastructure requires huge investment.

Corruption and Mismanagement: There are frequent allegations of corruption and mismanagement in WASA operations. This leads to disruption of services and loss of public confidence.

Development initiatives

WASA authorities have taken various developmental initiatives to address various issues. Some of the notable initiatives are:

Improved water supply: To reduce dependence on groundwater, WASA is emphasizing supply by purifying river water. For this purpose several water treatment plants have been constructed and some more are under construction.

Modernization of Sewerage System: WASA has undertaken a comprehensive plan to improve sewerage system. In particular, new waste treatment plants are being installed and old sewage lines are being renovated.

Digital Services: WASA has started using digital technology to improve the quality of customer service. Customers can pay bills, file complaints and receive other services online.

Several suggestions are presented to solve the current problems of Bangladesh WASA which can be helpful in improving the quality of service:

Increase public awareness

Campaign to prevent water wastage: A massive campaign should be conducted to create awareness to prevent water wastage. Awareness programs can be organized at school, college and community level.

Protecting water quality Public should be motivated to conserve water and prevent pollution. Everyone should be responsible for protecting water quality.

Development of alternative water sources

Desalination plants: Desalination plants can be set up in coastal cities for desalination of sea water, which will serve as an alternative water source in the future.

Recycling of waste water: The use of this water in irrigation and industrial plants can be practiced using waste water treatment and recycling technology.

Emergency preparedness

Emergency Water Supply Management: There should be alternative plans for emergency water supply during earthquakes, floods or other disasters.

Emergency Relief Fund: A fund may be constituted for the continuation of services which can be used immediately in case of emergency.

If these recommendations are implemented, it will be possible to achieve significant progress in improving the quality of water services and addressing the water crisis. A clear government policy, adequate budget allocation, and public cooperation are essential for this.

Challenges for WASA are increasing in tandem with rapid urbanization and population pressures in Bangladesh. However, through sound planning, adequate investment and effective management, WASA can ensure improved water and sanitation services for the people. For this, everyone’s collective effort and responsibility is essential.

Bangladesh WASA is playing an important role in the development of public health and urban management of the country. Despite various challenges, WASA’s continuous efforts are ensuring safe water and improved sanitation services for the citizens of the country.

The Bangladesh Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, abbreviated WASA, is a government agency that provides water supply and sanitation services to the country’s major cities. WASA mainly operates in major metropolises including Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna and Rajshahi. As the country’s population grows, so does the pressure on water supply and sewage systems in cities. In this situation, WASA authorities have to face various challenges and take various steps to ensure better services.

Key Activities:

Bangladesh WASA’s key activities include:

Water Supply: Ensuring safe and clean water supply. Purification of water through water purification plants and distribution through pipeline network to different areas of the city.

Sewage System: Development of modern drainage system for sewage disposal, which removes waste water and contributes to environmental protection.

Waste Management: Development of solid and liquid waste management and finding ways to reuse it.

Customer Service: Provision of water connection, billing and other service related activities to customers.

Infrastructure and Technology:

WASA operates various purification plants using modern technology, where all kinds of processes required to make water safe are carried out. In addition, WASA is expanding and modernizing its infrastructure to keep pace with the city’s population.

Dhaka WASA was established in 1963 as a separate organization for water supply and sewerage of Dhaka city as a service and commercial organization. From July 1, 1990, the responsibility of water supply and sewage disposal in Narayanganj city area was entrusted to Dhaka Wasa. It was formed as an autonomous for-profit organization in 1996 with the passage of WASA Act. On 1 March 2019, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Estimates recommended that the Bangladesh government split Dhaka WASA into two separate bodies, along with North and South Dhaka.

Dhaka Wasa’s entire service area is divided into 11 geographical regions to facilitate Dhaka Wasa’s operation, maintenance and customer service. Out of this, 10 regions are located in Dhaka Metropolis and 1 region is located in Narayanganj. All functions related to technical operation and maintenance and collection of revenue billing are handled through each zonal office. According to the data of February 2022, the daily demand of water in Dhaka is approximately 250 million liters. Dhaka WASA produces 260 crore liters of water daily. According to WASA data, excluding system losses of 20 percent, 52 crore liters of water does not reach consumers every day. Customers get 208 crore litres. As a result, there is a shortage of water. According to the data of March 2024, the daily water demand in Dhaka city is 260 to 265 million liters and the daily production capacity is 270 to 275 million liters.