Dhaka 5:28 pm, Thursday, 19 September 2024

Dengue (Epidemic for Dhaka City)


Dengue fever is a viral infection. It spread through virus named Flavivirus (Flaviviridae Family). Actually, it’s a RNA virus. The virus carry through mosquitos named Aedes agypti.

First, Dengue fever was spread in Chennai in 1780. Later, it was pandemic in 1963-64 in Kolkata. Now, it is introduced not only in South Asia countries but also in all over the World. It transmitted through mosquito to man. But it’s not possible through man to man.

In a recent research, Approximately 400 million cases and 22,000 people deaths occur in a worldwide due to dengue fever.

Sign & Symptoms

Incubation period: 4-10 days.

Young and children are more affected in Dengue fever.

There are two type of dengue fever.

1) General Dengue

2) Hemorrhagic Dengue

For General Dengue Fever,

1) Fever (104°F – 106°F)

2) Severe Headache

3) Pain behind the eye

4) Muscle and Joint Pain

5) Nausea & Vomiting

For Hemorrhagic Dengue Fever,

1) Severe abdominal pain.

2) Breathing abnormally.

3) Nose & Gum Bleeding

4) Presence blood in Vomitous and Stool.

If the patient can’t treated within 48 hours, eventually patient will die.


Serology Test: Presence of IgM antibody in blood can detect the Dengue fever. But if serious conditions, then the IgM antibody will rise in 3 or 4 times.

Platelet Count: In CBC (Combined Blood Count), if the platelet is less than 1,50,000 per cubic millimeter of blood, then we can identify that he/she is suffering from dengue fever.


There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. But we can decrease the symptoms

1) Patient need to drink lot of pure water.

2) Patient need to prevent from Aspirin type of drug.

3) Patient need to eat lot of fruits and vegetables.

4) Patient need to intake Paracetamol for decreasing the fever.

5) Patient need full bed rest at least one week.

6) Sometimes, patient need to take Platelet infusion.

Most of the time, patient recover from dengue fever


Sometimes, people need preventive measure to protect from dengue fever.

1) When people sleeping, they need to tie mosquito net.

2) Coconut shell, Empty Container, Unused tires are need to dispose properly because Aedes mosquito can grow there.

3) To spray the pesticide to kill the Aedes mosquito.

4) To wear full sleeves shirt and full pant.

Epidemiology in Dhaka City

Today, Dhaka is populated city in Bangladesh. Every year around 60,000 cases of dengue was admitted in hospital in Bangladesh. Moreover, 200 people died in Bangladesh every year. This number is gradually increasing.

According to WHO, Dhaka is the most affected for dengue fever. More than 58% cases and 79% deaths occur in Dhaka.

The epidemic of this dengue fever in July to October. During this month, Rain mostly occurs. Moreover, the drainage system of Dhaka City is poor. That’s why, water is totally accumulate in main roads, parking place, garbage site. Those site are breeding place for Aedes mosquito.

Dhaka is the most developing city in Bangladesh. They need to construct new building for official or residential work. During this process, they need large amount of water to construct the building. So, the workers accumulate the water in a well. This well also breeding place for Aedes mosquito.

So, Dhaka is now epidemic city for dengue fever. So, be careful.


Student (Session: 2020-21)

Universal Medical College, Dhaka

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Dengue (Epidemic for Dhaka City)

Update Time : 08:44:13 am, Sunday, 25 August 2024


Dengue fever is a viral infection. It spread through virus named Flavivirus (Flaviviridae Family). Actually, it’s a RNA virus. The virus carry through mosquitos named Aedes agypti.

First, Dengue fever was spread in Chennai in 1780. Later, it was pandemic in 1963-64 in Kolkata. Now, it is introduced not only in South Asia countries but also in all over the World. It transmitted through mosquito to man. But it’s not possible through man to man.

In a recent research, Approximately 400 million cases and 22,000 people deaths occur in a worldwide due to dengue fever.

Sign & Symptoms

Incubation period: 4-10 days.

Young and children are more affected in Dengue fever.

There are two type of dengue fever.

1) General Dengue

2) Hemorrhagic Dengue

For General Dengue Fever,

1) Fever (104°F – 106°F)

2) Severe Headache

3) Pain behind the eye

4) Muscle and Joint Pain

5) Nausea & Vomiting

For Hemorrhagic Dengue Fever,

1) Severe abdominal pain.

2) Breathing abnormally.

3) Nose & Gum Bleeding

4) Presence blood in Vomitous and Stool.

If the patient can’t treated within 48 hours, eventually patient will die.


Serology Test: Presence of IgM antibody in blood can detect the Dengue fever. But if serious conditions, then the IgM antibody will rise in 3 or 4 times.

Platelet Count: In CBC (Combined Blood Count), if the platelet is less than 1,50,000 per cubic millimeter of blood, then we can identify that he/she is suffering from dengue fever.


There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. But we can decrease the symptoms

1) Patient need to drink lot of pure water.

2) Patient need to prevent from Aspirin type of drug.

3) Patient need to eat lot of fruits and vegetables.

4) Patient need to intake Paracetamol for decreasing the fever.

5) Patient need full bed rest at least one week.

6) Sometimes, patient need to take Platelet infusion.

Most of the time, patient recover from dengue fever


Sometimes, people need preventive measure to protect from dengue fever.

1) When people sleeping, they need to tie mosquito net.

2) Coconut shell, Empty Container, Unused tires are need to dispose properly because Aedes mosquito can grow there.

3) To spray the pesticide to kill the Aedes mosquito.

4) To wear full sleeves shirt and full pant.

Epidemiology in Dhaka City

Today, Dhaka is populated city in Bangladesh. Every year around 60,000 cases of dengue was admitted in hospital in Bangladesh. Moreover, 200 people died in Bangladesh every year. This number is gradually increasing.

According to WHO, Dhaka is the most affected for dengue fever. More than 58% cases and 79% deaths occur in Dhaka.

The epidemic of this dengue fever in July to October. During this month, Rain mostly occurs. Moreover, the drainage system of Dhaka City is poor. That’s why, water is totally accumulate in main roads, parking place, garbage site. Those site are breeding place for Aedes mosquito.

Dhaka is the most developing city in Bangladesh. They need to construct new building for official or residential work. During this process, they need large amount of water to construct the building. So, the workers accumulate the water in a well. This well also breeding place for Aedes mosquito.

So, Dhaka is now epidemic city for dengue fever. So, be careful.


Student (Session: 2020-21)

Universal Medical College, Dhaka